Quickly and Easily Keep Track of Your Expenses and Income
How much are you really spending eating out? On gas, cabs or Uber? Whats your total monthly income? Start using Expense Log now to find out that and much more. Expense Log provides a quick, easy and flexible way to track your expenses and incomes so you can see where your money is going or coming in. With each expense/income you can record its category, account and transfer type, then view all your records, and totals by year, month, week, day or all at once. View summaries of your records for a breakdown by category to easily compare your spending between categories and times.• Fast, simple and straightforward way to log and track and your expenses and incomes• View your records as a list, graph or on a calendar• Group your records by day, week, month or all at once and get a summary of where your spending• Add and edit categories to make them relevant to your needs• Automatically track repeating transactions, like monthly bills• Save an image with transactions, such as a receipt or a picture of an item purchased• Set reminders either daily, every other day or weekly to help you keep your logs consistent With the Expense Log Premium Upgrade• Add multiple accounts to group different expense, such as a Business and a Personal account• Remove ads• Export your records as a spreadsheet that can be viewed with any spreadsheet reading program such as Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel• Export your logs as a database backup that can be used to restore your records on a new device when switching phones or on the same phone• Use Dropbox automatic syncing to easily switch between devices while keeping your records synchronized as well as make manual backups to DropboxCustomization• Choose to have times displayed in AM/PM or 24 hour format• Select which day of the week to be the first day of the week• Multiple currency options- Added option to export records as Summary in addition to as a List- Bug fixes